
If you intend to import goods from third countries or if you intend to export goods outside the customs territory of the European Union, please use the services of our Inter-Star Customs Agency.


        Inter-Star Customs Agency  is preparing:

  • Export customs clearance (standard and simplified procedure)
  • Import customs clearance (standard and simplified procedure)
  • Import customs clearance in Article 33a VAT (exemption from VAT payment at the time of customs clearance and settlement in the tax declaration)
  • customs clearance for special procedures: customs bonded warehousing, temporary admission, inward processing and outward processing
  • INTRASTAT declarations (preparing and sending electronically to the Tax Administration Chamber in Szczecin)
  • Operation of the PUESC customs service electronic services platform - submission of applications for granting an EORI number and registration of entities
  • All customs documents, certificates of origin, EUR.1 and A.TR movement certificates, Carnets TIR,CMR,T2L,T2LF,INF
  • We have general security for the amount of customs and tax duties